Category: tax

  • Multi-national civil groups call for UN tax convention, global tax reforms

    Multi-national civil groups call for UN tax convention, global tax reforms

    Representatives from civil society organizations (CSOs), along with leaders and public sector stakeholders from Asia and other Southern regions gathered for the Multi-stakeholders’ Forum and Asia Strategy Workshop. Billed as “UN Tax Convention Now! Rewriting the Global Tax Rules to Work for People and the Planet,” the event held at…

  • CSOs Call on DOF for Tax Reforms Amid New UN Tax Resolution

    CSOs Call on DOF for Tax Reforms Amid New UN Tax Resolution

    Leaders belonging to various civil society organizations call on the Department of Finance to take this opportune time for the Philippines to play its role in remaking global rules for a tax reform that would equitably raise revenues to guarantee peoples’ rights to public services and a rapid, just transition…

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